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Session 1

Prepare: Come to class ready to give a 3 minute introduction of yourself. Include: your background information, information on your organization, and what you hope to achieve by attending Headgate. 

Welcome, Introductions, Expectations

Water in Idaho #1: A Historical Perspective

Water in Idaho #2: Laws & Regulations You Should Know

Managing Stress and Emotions

Communications#1: Improving your Speaking Skills

Water in Idaho #3: Managing Idaho's Water - Hedrick

Water in Idaho #3: Managing Idaho's Water - Stevenson

Water in Idaho #3: Managing Idaho's Water - Chandler

- Watermaster Handbook

Etiquette Dinner

Working as a Team

Additional Resources



Take the Quiz:

Session 2


Prepare: Come to class ready to give a 3 minute speech about a leader who has influenced you. Include: who the individual is, your experience with them, and specific traits you'd like to emulate.

Communications #2: Motivating Employees / Persuasion

Time Management / Planning 

Communications #3: Conflict Resolution

Budget-Setting Process: From Development to Presentation 

The Employee Lifecyle

The Hiring Process

Water in Idaho #4: Meeting the Challenges of Growth & Development - Boise River

Additional Resources



Session 3

Prepare: Come to class ready to give a 3-minute speech describing a time you faced and overcame a challenge.

Communications #4: Media Training

Water in Idaho #5: Planning for Idaho's Future Water Needs

Water in Idaho #6: Politics and Water

Water in Idaho #7: Government and Water

Leading Across Different Generations

Additional Resources



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101 S. Capitol Boulevard, Suite 1205

Boise, Idaho 83702

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